Looking to help someone you care about?
If you are concerned that a friend or someone you care about is having a hard time and is using drugs or alcohol to cope with changes related to COVID-19, there are ways you can help. Letting them know you care can be a meaningful place to start, if it feels safe. Here are some tips to consider.
- If possible, have the conversation as close to “face to face” as possible; FaceTime, What’s App are great options
- Try talking with them when they might be most receptive. Preferable not when they are drunk/ high
- Be kind and offer love and support
- Express your concern for them using objective observations
- Ask how you can help
- Try to not take negative responses personally
Here are some additional resources:
- UT Center for Students in Recovery
- If this individual is a UT student, contact the Behavioral Concerns and Advice Line or call 512-232-5050
- Tips for how to help a friend
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline