Upcoming Events

Student Refuel Checkpoint
Saturday November 12th, 1 to 5 p.m.
Rio Grande and 22 ½ St.
Stop by the Longhorn Wellness Center and SHIFT’s Student Refuel Checkpoint in West Campus before the UT vs. TCU game for free food, water and Gatorade!
Watch the SHIFT Talk: "Conversations on Counterfeit RX Drugs and Fentanyl" Recorded Event
SHIFT is ready for a different conversation! Our first SHIFT Talk of 2022 featured Dr. Lori Holleran-Steiker; Claire Zagorski, MSc, LP; Dr. Kasey Claborn; and Daniel Sledge, BA, LP. Watch the recording from the event to hear from our panelists and learn more about fentanyl and counterfeit prescription drugs.