Upcoming Events

Student Refuel Checkpoint

Saturday November 12th, 1 to 5 p.m.
Rio Grande and 22 ½ St.

Stop by the Longhorn Wellness Center and SHIFT’s Student Refuel Checkpoint in West Campus before the UT vs. TCU game for free food, water and Gatorade!

Watch the SHIFT Talk: "Conversations on Counterfeit RX Drugs and Fentanyl" Recorded Event

SHIFT is ready for a different conversation! Our first SHIFT Talk of 2022 featured Dr. Lori Holleran-Steiker; Claire Zagorski, MSc, LP; Dr. Kasey Claborn; and Daniel Sledge, BA, LP. Watch the recording from the event to hear from our panelists and learn more about fentanyl and counterfeit prescription drugs.


The SHIFT Office
UT Austin
Student Services Building
100 W Dean Keeton Street

Email Us

Request SHIFT Makers at Your Event

Have SHIFT Makers serve delicious, zero-proof cocktails at your next event.